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} /*闆嗗洟绠€浠?浼佷笟鑽h€€*/ .enterprise-honor-main { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .enterprise-honor-top { height: 71.5%; background-color: #f4f6f9; padding-top: calc((100vw * 58) /1920); position: relative; } .enterprise-honor-top .group-business-port-title { margin-top: 0; } .enterprise-honor-bottom { height: 28.5%; background-color: #eff2f7; padding-left: calc((100vw * 360) /1920); padding-right: calc((100vw * 360) /1920); } .enterprise-honor-swiper { top: calc((100vw * 200) /1920); width: calc((100vw * 1080) /1920); left: calc((100vw * 360) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 355) /1920); position: absolute; } #certify { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding-bottom: calc((100vw * 20) /1920) !important; } #certify .swiper-slide { width: 35.64%; height: 100%; position: relative; padding-bottom: calc((100vw * 40) /1920) !important; } #certify .swiper-slide img { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; max-height: 260px; } #certify .swiper-slide a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #certify .swiper-slide div { text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; width: 100%; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); position: absolute; height: calc((100vw * 20) /1920); line-height: calc((100vw * 20) /1920); left: 0; bottom: calc((100vw * 10) /1920); } #certify .swiper-pagination { width: 100%; bottom: calc((100vw * 10) /1920); } #certify .swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet { margin: 0 5px; background-color: #d5d5d5; width: 8px; height: 8px; opacity: 1; } #certify .swiper-pagination-bullets .swiper-pagination-bullet-active { background: #c1a689; } #certify .swiper-button-next, #certify .swiper-button-prev { background-image: none; } .enterprise-honor-list { padding-top: calc(100vw * 50 /1920); } .enterprise-honor-list li { float: left; height: calc(100vw * 50 /1920); line-height: calc(100vw * 50 /1920); margin-top: calc(100vw * 5 /1920); width: calc((100vw * 293) /1920); overflow: hidden; position: relative; padding-left: calc(100vw * 20 /1920); 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width: 31%; min-height: calc((100vw * 199) /1920); padding: calc((100vw * 25) /1920) calc((100vw * 50) /1920); transition: all .3s linear; margin-top: calc((100vw * 25) /1920); border: 1px solid #f2f2f2; margin: 1%; } .notice-news-main-list li a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .notice-news-main-list li:hover { background-color: #fff8f2; box-shadow: 0px 3px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); } .notice-news-item-content>div:nth-child(1) { width: 100%; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); padding-bottom: 5% } .notice-news-item-content>div:nth-child(2) { width: 100%; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); height: 57px; overflow: hidden; } .notice-news-item-time { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(153, 153, 153, 1); padding-top: 5%; } .notice-news-main .turning-page { right: calc((100vw * 180) /1920); } .turning-page { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 50px; } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟*/ .group-business-main { background-color: #fafbfd; } .group-business-main img { border-radius: 5px; } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-涓氬姟鎬昏*/ .group-overview-business-main { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; } .group-overview-business-right { width: 42.2%; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; position: absolute; } .group-overview-business-left { width: 57.8%; top: 0; right: 0; height: 100%; position: absolute; } .group-overview-business-main .group-business-port-title { margin-top: 0; margin-left: 0; position: absolute; top: calc((100vw * 56) /1920); left: calc((100vw * 72) /1920); z-index: 800; } .group-overview-business-content { position: absolute; top: calc((100vw * 172) /1920); left: calc((100vw * 72) /1920); width: calc((100vw * 668) /1920); z-index: 800; } .group-overview-business-content .item{ transition:all .3s linear; } .group-overview-business-content .item-1{ opacity: 0; margin-top: 20px; } .group-overview-business-content .title{ font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; } .group-overview-business-content p { margin-top: calc((100vw * 25) /1920); 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color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); line-height: calc((100vw * 36) /1920); width: 100%; } .group-business-overseas-port-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); width: 100%; } .group-business-xijiang-port { margin-top: calc((100vh * 45) /1080); width: 100%; } .group-business-xijiang-content { margin-top: calc((100vh * 5) /1080); } .group-business-xijiang-content>a { display: block; } .group-business-xijiang-content>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: 100%; height: calc((100vw * 190) /1920); border-radius: 5px; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-xijiang-content>a>div:nth-of-type(1) img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; } .group-business-xijiang-content>a>div:nth-of-type(2) { text-indent: 30px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); line-height: calc((100vw * 25) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 50) /1920); overflow: hidden; margin-top: calc((100vw * 10) /1920); } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-鐗╂祦*/ .group-business-logistics-list { padding-top: 1.5%; padding-left: calc((100vw * 53) /1920); } .group-business-logistics-list>li { width: 45.1%; height: calc((100vw * 190) /1920); margin-top: 0.8%; float: left; cursor: pointer; position: relative; } .group-business-logistics-list>li a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .group-business-logistics-list>li:hover { box-shadow: 0px 0px 18px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); } .group-business-logistics-list>li:nth-child(even) { margin-left: calc((100vw * 16) /1920); } .group-business-logistics-list>li>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: 51.7%; height: 100%; float: left; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-logistics-list>li>a>div:nth-of-type(2) { width: 48.3%; height: 100%; background-color: #ffffff; float: right; padding: calc((100vw * 30) /1920) calc((100vw * 40) /1920); } .group-business-logistics-list>li:hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-logistics-list>li>a>div:nth-of-type(1) img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s linear; } .group-business-logistics-item-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 19px; font-weight: 400; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .group-business-logistics-item-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); height: 57px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: calc((100vh * 15) /1080); } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-宸ヨ锤*/ .group-business-industry-employment { background-color: #fafbfd; height: 58.6%; width: 100%; float: left; } .group-business-industry-employment .group-business-port-title { margin-top: calc((100vh * 60) /1080); } .group-business-industry-employment .group-business-port-title:after { left: -18px; } .group-business-industry-trade .group-business-port-title { margin-top: calc((100vh * 34) /1080); } .group-business-industry-trade { background-color: #f5f7fa; height: 41.4%; width: 100%; float: left; } .group-business-industry-main { padding-top: 2.5%; padding-left: calc((100vw * 57) /1920); } .group-business-industry-main ul li { float: left; width: 17.55%; margin-left: 5%; cursor: pointer; } .group-business-industry-main ul li a { display: block; } .group-business-industry-main ul li>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: calc((100vw * 306) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 213) /1920); position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-industry-main ul li>a>div:nth-of-type(1)>div { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); color: #ffffff; overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s; line-height: calc((100vw * 213) /1920); text-align: center; font-size: 25px; top: 0; left: 0; } .group-business-industry-main ul li:hover div:nth-of-type(1) img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-industry-main ul li:hover div:nth-of-type(1) div { height: 100%; } .group-business-industry-main ul li img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s; } .group-business-industry-main ul li:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 0; } .group-business-industry-employment-content { margin-top: calc((100vw * 10) /1920); } .group-business-industry-employment-content div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 17px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .group-business-industry-employment-content div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 13px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); margin-top: calc((100vw * 15) /1920); max-height: 34px; overflow: hidden; } /* 璐告槗涓氬姟 */ .group-business-industry-trade-main { padding-top: calc((100vw * 44) /1920); padding-left: calc((100vw * 54) /1920); } .group-business-industry-trade-main>a { display: block; } .group-business-industry-trade-main>a>div { float: left; } .group-business-industry-trade-main>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { height: calc((100vw * 177) /1920); width: 40.4%; } .group-business-industry-trade-main>a>div:nth-of-type(2) { height: calc((100vw * 177) /1920); width: 59.6%; background-color: #ffffff; } .group-business-industry-trade-main>a>div:nth-of-type(1) img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; border-radius: 5px; } .group-business-industry-trade-content div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 17px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); margin-left: calc((100vw * 99) /1920); margin-top: calc((100vw * 28) /1920); width: 69%; } .group-business-industry-trade-content div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); margin-left: calc((100vw * 99) /1920); margin-top: calc((100vw * 19) /1920); max-height: 76px; overflow: hidden; width: 69%; } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-鎶曡祫*/ .group-business-investment-main { margin-top: calc((100vw * 39) /1920); margin-left: calc((100vw * 59) /1920); } .group-business-investment-main>div { float: left; } .group-business-investment-main>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: calc((100vw * 26) /1920); width: calc((100vw * 792) /1920); } .group-business-investment-title { position: relative; margin-left: 16px; } .group-business-investment-title:after { position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; width: calc((100vw * 7) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 7) /1920); min-width: 4px; min-width: 4px; background-color: #c1a689; border-radius: 50%; left: -15px; top: 50%; margin-top: -1.5px; } .group-business-investment-title span:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 20px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .group-business-investment-title span:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 20px; color: rgba(221, 221, 221, 1); } .group-business-investment-Hongkong { width: calc((100vw * 678) /1920); } .group-business-investment-Hongkong>div:nth-of-type(2) { width: 100%; height: calc((100vw * 565) /1920); margin-top: calc((100vw * 14) /1920); position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-investment-Hongkong>div:nth-of-type(2)>a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .group-business-investment-Hongkong>div:nth-of-type(2):hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-investment-Hongkong>div:nth-of-type(2) img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s; border-radius: 0; } .group-business-investment-Hongkong-content { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; padding: 10px 20px; opacity: 1; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); transition: all .3s linear; } .group-business-investment-Hongkong-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); } .group-business-investment-Hongkong-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); height: 38px; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia { width: calc((100vw * 792) /1920); } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul { margin-top: calc((100vh * 14) /1080); } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li { float: left; margin-left: calc((100vw * 21) /1920); width: calc((100vw * 250) /1920); position: relative; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li>a { display: block; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li:hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: calc((100vw * 250) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 208) /1920); overflow: hidden; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li>a>div:nth-of-type(1) img { height: 100%; width: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s; border-radius: 0; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia ul li:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 0; } .group-business-investment-Malaysia-content { padding: 0 calc((100vw * 15) /1920); } .group-business-investment-Malaysia-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); margin-top: calc((100vw * 15) /1920); margin-bottom: calc((100vw * 13) /1920); } .group-business-investment-Malaysia-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); } .group-business-investment-Brunei { margin-top: calc((100vw * 33) /1920); } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main { margin-top: calc((100vw * 14) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 208) /1920); } group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a { display: block; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a>div { float: left; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: calc((100vw * 542) /1920); background-color: #ffffff; padding-top: calc((100vw * 37) /1920); padding-left: calc((100vw * 21) /1920); padding-right: calc((100vw * 39) /1920); box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); } .group-business-investment-Brunei-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); margin-top: calc((100vw * 30) /1920); overflow: hidden; height: calc((100vw * 64) /1920); -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-height: 40px; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a>div:nth-of-type(2) { width: calc((100vw * 250) /1920); height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a>div:nth-of-type(2) img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s; } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main>a>div:nth-of-type(2):hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-investment-Brunei-main img { width: 100%; height: 100%; } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-鑳芥簮*/ .group-business-energy-main { margin-top: calc((100vh * 61) /1080); margin-left: calc((100vw * 54) /1920); padding-right: calc((100vw * 183) /1920); } .group-business-energy-main>div { width: calc((100vw * 779) /1920); } .group-business-energy-list li { float: left; width: calc(50% - 2.5px); height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (214 / 1920)); background-color: #ffffff; margin-left: 5px; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-energy-list li:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 10px 1px rgba(98, 139, 166, 0.2); } .group-business-energy-list li:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 0; } .group-business-energy-list li>a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; padding: calc((100vw - 17px) * (30 / 1920)); } .group-business-energy-list li>a .table { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .group-business-energy-list li .table-cell>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 19px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .group-business-energy-list li .table-cell>div:nth-of-type(2) { padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (15 / 1920)); font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (94 / 1920)); overflow: hidden; } .j-financial-item-img { width: calc((100vw * 779) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 384) /1920); overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .group-business-energy-img-box>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: calc((100vw * 4.6666) /1920); } .j-financial-item-img img { width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; position: absolute; border-radius: 0; top: 0; left: 0; /*transition: all .2s;*/ } .j-financial-item-img img:nth-of-type(1) { opacity: 1; } .j-financial-item-img img:nth-of-type(2) { opacity: 0; } /*闆嗗洟涓氬姟-寤鸿寮€鍙?/ .group-business-development-main { margin-top: calc((100vh * 68) /1080); margin-left: calc((100vw * 54) /1920); width: calc((100vw * 1570) /1920); } .group-business-development-main img { border-radius: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: cover; object-position: center; transition: all .3s; } .group-business-development-main>div { float: left; width: 50%; height: calc((100vw * 546) /1920); position: relative; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; } .group-business-development-main>div>a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(1):hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(1)>a>div { width: calc((100vw * 260) /1920); height: 100%; transition: all .3s; position: absolute; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); top: 0; left: 0; overflow: hidden; } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(1)>a>div>div:nth-of-type(1) { margin-top: calc((100vh * 43) /1080); width: 70%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(1)>a>div>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-top: calc((100vh * 20) /1080); width: 70%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; ; overflow: hidden; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 10; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(2):hover img { transform: scale(1.2); } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(2)>a>div { width: 100%; height: calc((100vw * 177) /1920); position: absolute; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s; } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(2)>a>div>div:nth-of-type(1) { margin-top: calc((100vw * 36) /1920); margin-left: calc((100vw * 47) /1920); margin-right: calc((100vw * 45) /1920); } .group-business-development-main>div:nth-of-type(2)>a>div>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-top: calc((100vw * 20) /1920); margin-left: calc((100vw * 47) /1920); margin-right: calc((100vw * 45) /1920); overflow: hidden; height: 57px; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-line-clamp: 3; text-overflow: ellipsis; } .group-business-development-content div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 19px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .group-business-development-content div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); } /*鍏氱殑寤鸿-鎬昏*/ .party-build-pandect-main { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; } .party-build-pandect-main>div { width: 67.7%; height: 85%; position: absolute; top: 15%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); padding: 0 3%; border-radius: 5px; } .party-build-pandect-top { height: 50%; width: 100%; } .party-build-pandect-bottom { height: 50%; width: 100%; padding-top: 6%; } .party-build-pandect-top>div { width: 50%; padding-top: calc((100vw * 53) /1920); } .party-build-pandect-top>div:nth-of-type(1) { padding-right: 4%; } .party-build-pandect-top>div:nth-of-type(2) { padding-left: 4%; } .party-build-pandect-filter { line-height: 30px; position: relative; } .party-build-pandect-top .party-build-pandect-filter { width: 100%; } .party-build-pandect-filter:before { display: block; content: ""; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 2px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); bottom: -5px; right: 0; } .party-build-pandect-filter>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 20px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); margin-left: calc((100vw * 12) /1920); position: relative; float: left; font-weight: 500; } .party-build-pandect-filter>div:nth-of-type(1):after { position: absolute; display: block; width: 3px; height: 80%; content: ""; left: -14px; top: 15%; background-color: #c1a689; } .party-build-pandect-filter ul { float: right; } .party-build-pandect-filter li { float: left; margin-left: calc((100vw * 16) /1920); font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; font-weight: 300; } .party-build-pandect-filter li:hover { color: #c1a689; } .party-build-pandect-filter-active { color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1)!important; } .party-build-pandect-filter-more { color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); } /* 鍏氱殑寤鸿 */ /* 鎬昏鍒楄〃 */ .party-build-pandect-piece>a { display: block; width: 100%; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (115 / 1920)); min-height: 80px; margin-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (35 / 1920)); padding-left: calc((100vw - 17px) * (28 / 1920)); padding-right: calc((100vw - 17px) * (28 / 1920)); cursor: pointer; transition: all .3s linear; } .party-build-pandect-piece>a>div { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .party-build-pandect-piece-content { width: 70%; padding-right: calc((100vw - 17px) * (40 / 1920)); } .party-build-pandect-piece-time { width: 30%; } .party-build-pandect-piece>a:hover { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 0 50px 0 rgba(98, 139, 166, 0.03); } .party-build-pandect-piece li:hover .party-build-pandect-piece-content>div { color: #C4AA8E; transition: all .3s linear; } .party-build-pandect-piece-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .party-build-pandect-piece-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { text-indent: 30px; font-size: 14px; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (60 / 1920)); line-height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (25 / 1920)); color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (10 / 1920)); } .party-build-pandect-piece-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 33px; color: #C4AA8E; border-bottom: 0.5px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: calc((100vw - 17px) * (8 / 1920)); } .party-build-pandect-piece-time>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 22px; color: #C4AA8E; font-weight: 300; margin-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (8 / 1920)); } /* 鎬昏--缇ゅ洟寤鸿 */ .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-filter { width: 100%; } .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-filter ul { float: right; } .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-piece { width: 100%; } .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-piece::after { display: block; clear: both; content: ""; } .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-piece>a:nth-of-type(1) { float: left; width: 50%; padding-right: 4%; } .party-build-pandect-bottom .party-build-pandect-piece>a:nth-of-type(2) { float: right; width: 50%; padding-left: 4%; } /*鍏氱殑寤鸿-鍏氱殑寤鸿*/ .party-build-index-main { padding-top: calc((100vw * 84) /1920); background-color: #fafbfd; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .party-build-index-main>div { width: 67.7%; border-radius: 5px; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; } .party-build-index-title { margin-left: calc((100vw * 30) /1920); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); padding-bottom: calc((100vw * 17) /1920); } .party-build-index-title>div:nth-of-type(1) { float: left; font-size: 20px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); position: relative; margin-left: calc((100vw * 12) /1920); } .party-build-index-title>div:nth-of-type(1):after { position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; height: 100%; width: 6px; top: 0; left: -18px; background-color: #c1a689; } .party-build-index-title>ul { float: left; } .party-build-index-title li { float: left; font-size: 16px; margin-left: calc((100vw * 18) /1920); cursor: pointer; } .party-build-index-title li:hover { color: #c1a689; } .party-build-index-title li a { margin-left: calc((100vw * 8) /1920); } .new-center-no-data { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; padding: 0 !important; position: relative; background-color: #ffffff; } .new-center-no-data>div { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } /* 鍏氱殑寤鸿鍒楄〃 */ .party-build-index-list { width: 100%; height: calc(100vw * (455 / 1920)); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (20 / 1920)); } .party-build-index-list>a { display: block; width: 100%; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (132 / 1920)); padding: 0 calc((100vw - 17px) * (30 / 1920)); min-height: 80px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px dashed #F2F2F2; overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s linear; } .party-build-index-list>a>div { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .party-build-index-content { width: 85%; padding-right: calc((100vw - 17px) * (80 / 1920)); } .party-build-index-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .party-build-index-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (12 / 1920)); text-indent: 30px; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (60 / 1920)); line-height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (25 / 1920)); } .party-build-index-time { width: 15%; } .party-build-index-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 33px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); padding-bottom: calc((100vw - 17px) * (8 / 1920)); border-bottom: 0.5px dashed #666666; } .party-build-index-time>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 22px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (8 / 1920)); } .party-build-index-list>a:hover { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); box-shadow: 0 0 16px 0 rgba(98, 139, 166, 0.1); } .party-build-index-list>a:hover .party-build-index-content>div { color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); transition: all .3s linear; } .party-build-index-list>a:hover .party-build-index-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { border-bottom: 0.5px dashed rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); transition: all .3s linear; } .party-build-index-list>a:hover .party-build-index-time>div { color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); transition: all .3s linear; } /* 鏂伴椈涓績鍒楄〃 */ .new-center-page-list { width: 100%; height: calc(100vw * (455 / 1920)); padding-top: calc(100vw * (20 / 1920)); } .new-center-page-list li { width: 100%; height: calc(100vw * (132 / 1920)); min-height: 80px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px dashed #F2F2F2; overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s linear; } .new-center-page-list li a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .new-center-page-list li .table { width: 100%; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (132 / 1920)); min-height: 80px; overflow: hidden; } .new-center-page-list li .table-cell { height: 100%; } .new-center-item-img { width: 15%; padding-left: calc((100vw - 17px) * (15 / 1920)); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (15 / 1920)); padding-bottom: calc((100vw - 17px) * (15 / 1920)); padding-right: calc((100vw - 17px) * (15 / 1920)); text-align: center; } .new-center-item-img img { width: calc((100vw - 17px) * (152 / 1920)); max-height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (102 / 1920)); min-height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (102 / 1920)); /* max-width: ; */ } .new-center-item-content { width: 75%; padding-right: calc((100vw - 17px) * (80 / 1920)); } .new-center-item-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); transition: all .3s linear; } .new-center-item-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); padding-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (12 / 1920)); text-indent: 30px; height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (60 / 1920)); line-height: calc((100vw - 17px) * (25 / 1920)); overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s linear; } .new-center-item-time { width: 10%; } .new-center-item-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 33px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); border-bottom: 0.5px dashed #666666; padding-bottom: calc((100vw - 17px) * (10 / 1920)); transition: all .3s linear; } .new-center-item-time>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 22px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); margin-top: calc((100vw - 17px) * (10 / 1920)); transition: all .3s linear; } .new-center-page-list li:hover { background-color: #ffffff; box-shadow: 0 0 16px 0 rgba(98, 139, 166, 0.1); } .new-center-page-list li:hover .new-center-item-content>div { color: #C4AA8E; } .new-center-page-list li:hover .new-center-item-time>div { color: #C4AA8E; } .new-center-page-list li:hover .new-center-item-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { border-bottom: 0.5px dashed #C4AA8E; } /* 鍒嗛〉 */ .pageination_align { text-align: center } .turning-page-index { width: 71px; height: 41px; line-height: 41px; border: 1px solid rgba(84, 121, 148, 1); text-align: center; margin-left: 4px; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); cursor: pointer; float: left; border-radius: 3px; } .pageination { color: #48576a; font-size: 12px; display: inline-block; user-select: none; } .pagination_page { cursor: pointer; float: left; width: 44px; height: 41px; line-height: 41px; border: 1px solid rgba(84, 121, 148, 1); text-align: center; margin-left: 4px; font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); border-radius: 3px; } .pagination_page_right { border-right: 1px solid rgba(84, 121, 148, 1); } .pagination_page:hover { color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); border: 1px solid rgba(193, 166, 137, 1) !important; } .disabled { color: #666666 !important; background-color: #fff; cursor: not-allowed; } .pagination_page_active { color: #ffffff !important; ; border: 1px solid rgba(193, 166, 137, 1) !important; background-color: rgba(193, 166, 137, 1); cursor: default; } /*浼佷笟鎷涜仒*/ .enterprise-recruitment { width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #fafbfd; } .enterprise-recruitment-main { height: 100%; width: 62.5%; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0 auto; padding-left: 2%; padding-right: 2%; } .enterprise-recruitment-main .turning-page { right: 2%; } .enterprise-recruitment-title { padding: 2.5% 0 2% 0; font-size: 16px; color: #c1a689; } .enterprise-recruitment-title img { vertical-align: -3px; } .enterprise-recruitment-title>span:nth-of-type(2) { padding: 0 10px; } .enterprise-recruitment-filter { width: 100%; border: 1px solid rgba(28, 28, 65, 0.14); font-size: 14px; color: #666666; border-radius: 3px; } .enterprise-recruitment-filter>div { width: 100%; float: left; padding: 0 calc((100vw * 13) /1920); margin-top: calc((100vw * 12) /1920); } .enterprise-recruitment-filter>div ul, .enterprise-recruitment-filter>div li { float: left; } .enterprise-recruitment-filter>div li { margin-left: calc((100vw * 20) /1920); padding-bottom: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .enterprise-recruitment-filter-active { border-bottom: 3px solid #c1a689; } .enterprise-recruitment-search { margin-bottom: calc((100vh * 17) /1080); } .enterprise-recruitment-search>div:nth-of-type(1) { width: 226px; height: 31px; border: 1px solid #999999; border-radius: 3px; } .enterprise-recruitment-search>div:nth-of-type(2) { line-height: 30px; height: 31px; border: 1px solid #999999; margin-left: 20px; width: 50px; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; } .enterprise-recruitment-search input { border: none; height: 100%; width: 186px; float: left; text-indent: 12px; } .enterprise-recruitment-search-img-box { height: 100%; width: 37px; float: left; border-left: 1px solid #999999; line-height: 31px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; } .enterprise-recruitment-table { border: 1px solid rgba(28, 28, 65, 0.14); margin-top: 1%; height: 50%; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 3px; } .enterprise-recruitment-table table { width: 100%; margin-top: 1%; } .enterprise-recruitment-table tbody { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .enterprise-recruitment-table-filter { padding-top: 10px; } .enterprise-recruitment-table-filter li { float: left; margin-left: calc((100vw * 20) /1920); padding-bottom: 5px; cursor: pointer; color: #666666; font-size: 14px; } .enterprise-recruitment-table thead { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(28, 28, 65, 0.14); line-height: calc((100vw * 40) /1920); } .enterprise-recruitment-table table th { text-align: center; color: #666666!important; } .enterprise-recruitment-table table tr { height: calc(100vw * 65 / 1920); cursor: pointer; } .enterprise-recruitment-table table td { text-align: center; } .enterprise-recruitment-table tbody td { font-size: 14px; color: #666666; } .recruitment-btn { background-color: #C1A689; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 10px; transition: all .3s; } .recruitment-btn a { color: #ffffff; } .recruitment-btn:hover { background-color: #b68039 } .recruitment-btn1 { border: 1px solid #C1A689; padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 10px; transition: all .3s; } .recruitment-btn1:hover { background-color: #f4e2ce; } .recruitment-btn1 a { color: #C1A689!important; } .enterprise-recruitment-table tbody>tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: rgba(247, 250, 2551, 0.55); } .enterprise-recruitment-table tbody>tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #ffffff; } .enterprise-recruitment-table tbody>tr:hover { /*box-shadow:0 0 16px 0 rgba(98,139,166,0.2) ;*/ background-color: #fff8f2; } .position-details { color: #C1A689!important; } .position-details span:nth-of-type(2) { padding: 0 8px; } .no-data { width: 100%; height: calc((100vh * 400) /1080) !important; } /*鑱旂郴鎴戜滑*/ .contact-us-main { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; } .contact-us-top { width: 100%; height: calc((100vh * 380) /1080); background-color: #fafbfd; padding-top: calc((100vh * 58) /1080); } .contact-us-top-title { margin-left: calc((100vw * 73) /1920); position: relative; display: inline-block; } .contact-us-top-title:after { content: ''; position: absolute; display: block; height: 90%; width: 3px; left: -18px; top: 5%; background-color: #c1a689; } .contact-us-top-title>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 20px; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .contact-us-top-title>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 20px; color: rgba(153, 153, 153, 1); margin-top: calc((100vh * 5) /1080); } .contact-us-top-site { margin-left: calc((100vw * 58) /1920); font-size: 14px; color: #666666; margin-top: calc((100vh * 67) /1080); line-height: 25px; } .contact-us-bottom { width: 100%; height: calc(100% - calc((100vh * 380) /1080)); background-color: #f1f4f8; padding-top: calc((100vh * 59) /1080); } .contact-us-map { position: absolute; width: calc((100vw * 1000) /1920); height: calc((100vh * 805) /1080); top: calc((100vh * 57) /1080); right: calc((100vw * 71) /1920); } .contact-us-map>div:nth-of-type(1) { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: -54px; width: 54px; height: 54px; background-color: #6D93AD; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; } .contact-us-map>div:nth-of-type(1) div { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; } .contact-us-map>div:nth-of-type(1) div img { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .contact-us-map>div:nth-of-type(2) { width: 100%; height: 100%; } /*鍏氱殑寤鸿璇︽儏*/ .party-build-details { background-color: #fafbfd; } .party-build-details-main { width: calc((100vw * 1200) /1920); height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0 calc((100vw * 22) /1920); overflow: hidden; } .party-build-details-nav { padding-top: calc((100vh * 35) /1080); color: #c1a689; font-size: 16px; } .party-build-details-nav a { color: #c1a689; } .party-build-details-nav img { vertical-align: -3px; } .party-build-details-nav .separate { padding: 0 10px; } .party-build-details-nav .separate img { vertical-align: middle; } .party-build-details-nav span:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: 8px; } .party-build-details-content { width: 100%; margin-top: calc((100vh * 44) /1080); } .party-build-details-content img { text-align: center; /* display: inherit; */ display: inline-block; } .party-build-details-content a { color: #c1a689; } .party-build-details-title { color: #333333; font-size: 18px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; } .party-build-details-sub-title { margin-top: calc((100vh * 17) /1080); padding-bottom: calc((100vh * 20) /1080); width: 100%; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } .party-build-details-sub-title>ul { display: inline-block; } .party-build-details-sub-title li { font-size: 14px; color: #999999; float: left; margin-left: 10px; } .party-build-details-sub-title li>span:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: 8px; } .party-build-details-page { margin-top: calc((100vh * 38) /1080); } .party-build-details-page a { color: #c1a689; font-size: 14px; display: block; } .party-build-details-page>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-top: calc((100vh * 5) /1080); } .party-build-details-page div span:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: 8px; } /*鎼滅储缁撴灉*/ .search-main { height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: #f4f6f9; padding-top: 130px; } .search-first-box { position: relative; } .search-result { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); position: absolute; right: calc((100vw * 47) /1920); bottom: 0; } .search-num { font-size: 34px; font-weight: 700; color: rgba(187, 149, 119, 1); padding: 0 10px; } .search-results-container .group-business-port-title { margin-top: calc((100vh * 35) /1080); } .search-results-container .group-business-port-title>div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-top: calc((100vh * 5) /1080); } .search-main .search-results-container { background-color: #ffffff; height: 100%; width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; } .no-search-results-container { background-color: #fafbfd; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding-top: calc((100vh * 130) /1080); } .no-search-results-container .group-business-port-title { margin-top: calc((100vh * 61) /1080); } .search-main-list { margin-top: calc((100vh * 30) /1080); height: calc((100vh * 660) /1080); } .search-main-list li { height: calc((100vh * 132) /1080); cursor: pointer; width: 100%; padding: calc((100vh * 25) /1080) calc((100vw * 49) /1920) 0 calc((100vw * 70) /1920); transition: all .3s; } .search-main-list li:nth-child(odd) { background-color: rgba(247, 250, 2551, 0.55) } .search-main-list li:nth-child(even) { background-color: #ffffff; } .search-main-list li>a { display: block; border-bottom: 1px dashed rgba(228, 228, 228, 1); padding-bottom: calc((100vh * 22) /1080); } .search-main-list li:hover { background: #fff8f2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px 0px rgba(98, 139, 166, 0.1); } .search-main-item-content { width: 72%; } .search-main-item-content>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); margin-bottom: calc((100vh * 12) /1080); } .search-main-item-content>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); text-indent: 30px; } .search-main-item-time { height: 100%; } .search-main-item-time>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 33px; font-weight: 700; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); } .search-main-item-time>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 22px; font-weight: 300; color: rgba(32, 37, 87, 1); border-top: 1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); padding-top: 3px; } .no-search-results { margin-top: calc((100vh * 45) /1080); height: calc((100vh * 665) /1080); background-color: #f8f9fb; margin-right: calc((100vw * 47) /1920); ; margin-left: calc((100vw * 53) /1920); position: relative; } .no-search-results>div { top: 50%; left: 50%; position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .no-search-results-tip { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); line-height: 40px; } .no-search-keywords { color: red; } .no-search-results-tip a { color: #BE9F85; } /*浼佷笟鎷涜仒璇︽儏*/ .enterprise-recruitment-detail-main { width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #fafbfd; } .enterprise-recruitment-detail-main>div { background-color: #ffffff; height: 100%; padding: 0 40px; max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; } .enterprise-recruitment-detail-main>div>div:nth-of-type(2) { border: 1px solid #F2F2F2; border-radius: 5px; padding: 18px 18px 100px 18px; } .enterprise-recruitment-detail-title { height: calc((100vh * 105) /1080); line-height: calc((100vh * 105) /1080); color: #C1A689; font-size: 16px; } .enterprise-recruitment-detail-title>span:nth-child(even) { padding: 0 8px; } .enterprise-recruitment-detail-title img { vertical-align: middle; } .post-information-mt7 { margin-top: 7px; } .post-information-mt49 { margin-top: 49px; } .post-information>div:nth-of-type(1) { font-size: 16px; color: rgba(187, 149, 119, 1); position: relative; padding-left: 10px; } .post-information>div:nth-of-type(1):after { position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; top: 18%; left: 0; width: 3px; height: 80%; background: rgba(187, 149, 119, 1); } .post-information>div:nth-of-type(2) { font-size: 14px; color: rgba(102, 102, 102, 1); padding-top: calc((100vh * 30) /1080); } .post-information-introduce { line-height: 25px; } .post-name { padding-right: calc((100vw * 65) /1920); } .post-site>span:nth-of-type(1) { padding-right: calc((100vw * 10) /1920); } .other-post-information li { float: left; margin-left: 100px; min-width: 100px; text-align: left; } .other-post-information li:nth-of-type(1) { margin-left: 0; } .other-post-information li div { float: left; } .other-post-information li div:nth-of-type(2) { margin-left: 10px; } .enterprise-recruitment-btn { width: 88px; height: 32px; border-radius: 16px; line-height: 32px; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; background-color: #B9977B; border: none; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); cursor: pointer; position: absolute; bottom: 40px; left: 50%; margin-left: -44px; opacity: 0.8; transition: all .3s; } .enterprise-recruitment-btn a { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); } .enterprise-recruitment-btn:hover { opacity: 1; } /*鎷涜仒鍏憡*/ .announcement-main { width: 100%; height: 100%; padding-top: 5%; } .announcement-main>div { width: 72.3%; margin: 0 auto; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); height: 100%; } .announcement-group { width: 100%; line-height: calc((100vw * 70) /1920); height: calc((100vw * 70) /1920); 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